Our track record in ESG

Our investment philosophy has always been to consider long-term non-financial factors as intrinsic to our daily work, integrating into our activity a series of principles that contribute to a conscious and honest practice within the market economy in which we live.

The responsible investment strategy that we follow at EDM is based on three pillars: we integrate ESG factors into our analysis, selection and decision-making; we maintain an active dialogue with these companies; and we promote best practices in environmental, social and governance policy.

Philanthropic activity

In 2011, EDM partners agreed to allocate part of the profits to patronage and sponsorship activities. Each year we are committed to supporting a minimum of three and a maximum of eight projects.

Since then, we have had the satisfaction of supporting various projects, which have gone through a rigorous selection process and have helped a significant group. To do so, we select our priorities around the following areas:

  • Promoting education, training and research
  • Improving health conditions and quality of life for the population
  • Social integration and community development
  • Preservation of the environment
  • Corporate volunteering activities
  • Conservation and recovery of historical and monumental heritage
  • Promotion of visual, performing and musical arts

Some of the entities we have collaborated with