Our reports

As an investor, EDM follows a policy of active engagement, establishing constructive dialogue with the companies in which we invest, challenging current practices where we see a need for improvement and voting at shareholder meetings.

To provide greater transparency to these procedures that we carry out with each company, at EDM we prepare an annual voting and engagement report.

Voting and engagement report

We also take into account the main adverse impacts (PIAS) that may arise as a result of our decisions on sustainability factors at product level from 1 January 2022.

The identification and monitoring of the main adverse impacts in the investment decision-making process is carried out based on the criteria of the Manager and applies to those products for which it can obtain sufficient and appropriate information, as well as a reliable measurement of them. Consequently, EDM does not consider the main adverse impacts at the Manager level, but only to socially responsible investment products. The reason being the proportionality, size and nature of EDM's activities.

PIAS Declaration