From saver to investor

Investing wisely involves the effective management of solvency risk through a selection of solid, quality companies, bought at suitable prices, and avoiding permanent capital losses.

The New Map, by Daniel Yergin

Few sectors are as strategic and have undergone as many changes in recent years as energy.

20211209_Asset Management diciembre 21

EDM Strategy: The success of staying true to a style

While it has been a year of tremendous challenges for active management, it has also presented major investment opportunities.

20211202_Imagen cabecera Flash Opinión noviembre

Opinion Flash november | 2021

Current uncertainties explain the high volatility of microeconomic forecasts, to which we must add widespread social and political tensions.  

Spanish Equity Una cartera fortalecida tras el Covid

EDM Spanish Equity: A strengthened portfolio after the Covid

The main stock markets closed October with material gains, reversing September’s losses.

Flash opinión octubre 2021

Opinion flash october 2021

The economy, a slowing but persistent recovery

EDM Ahorro: Un líder en su categoría

EDM Ahorro: A leader in its category

We do not know what inflation will do in the future, but we maintain that the fund’s current positioning is the most appropriate for an expected scenario of moderate inflation.

La inversión socialmente responsable, mega tendencia de inversión

The megatrend that is socially responsible investment

Becoming a green company is not as simple as it may seem. It takes a lot of time, investment, and dedication, which can be challenging for some companies.

2021, año excelente para nuestros fondos

2021, an outstanding year for our funds

The recovery is now a reality and concerns are emerging about whether inflation will last longer than expected and when the central banks will begin to withdraw monetary stimulus.

Carta del presidente | Septiembre 2021

Letter of the Chairman | September 2021

While markets were calm in July and August, September reaffirmed its tradition as a period of high volatility and uncertainty, registering a correction.

Evitando trampas de valor

Avoiding value traps

High indebtedness can be indicative of a poor quality business, one that is unable to organically generate the resources necessary to cover its costs.

Incertidumbre, volatilidad y largo plazo

Incertidumbre, volatilidad y largo plazo

Superar este rechazo que tan típicamente provoca la incertidumbre y la volatilidad de los mercados, exige saber distinguir entre corto y largo plazo.