Letter of the Chairman | April 2022

EDM’s investment style, which emphasises stock picking rather than predicting short-term market trends, does not require us to make changes in light of this new scenario.

Margin of safety, Seth Klarman

Klarman ably describes what the art of valuation consists of, which—he notes—is always imperfect insofar as it relies on assumed sales growth and estimated profits in an uncertain environment.

Portfolio management and the war in Ukraine

Despite the fact that the crisis in Ukraine may signify downward revisions for economic growth in 2022, particularly with regard to profit growth in the industrial sector, its impact on the portfolios overall is minimal.

Good annual earnings reports from portfolio companies

At this particular moment of uncertainty, stepping away from the noise and focusing on the reality of the companies in which we invest is the best recipe.

We return to March 2020, but without full paralysis

Energy costs and higher inflation will affect companies. However, given their elevated quality, the majority of our companies have pricing power and will therefore be able to transfer any cost increases to their customers.

Letter of the Chairman | March 2022

We have proceeded to review the investment thesis of each company in light of the new situation, in a process of reorganisation and optimisation, eliminating those that seem to be more adversely affected.

Opinion Flash | March 2022

Year-on-year inflation is reaching new highs, but should ease throughout the year, the war in Ukraine permitting.  

Thinking fast and slow…

Over the course of the year, we often wonder why the market or a specific share is up or down. And we have no response. Many times there is no fundamental answer; it is merely the result of flow movements—beyond our control.

Opinion Flash February | 2022

The rapid spread of new COVID variants makes it difficult to formulate reliable economic growth forecasts.

EDM Ahorro: a leader in managing inflation

In addition to our pledge to continue adding value and managing risk and uncertainty, our commitment to ESG investment is becoming increasingly important.

Letter of the Chairman | January 2022

Our fund results in 2021

With in-depth knowledge and fundamental analysis of the assets, we are able to obtain excellent returns from our main funds.