Opinion Flash | November 2022

The disconnect between fundamentals and valuations creates a unique opportunity to build a portfolio of top-quality securities.

EDM Global Equity Impact: The importance of sustainable investment

The fund considers environmental, social, and sustainability factors in the investment process.

EDM Spanish Equity: At an historically low valuation

Based on current prices and our profit growth estimate for the portfolio as a whole, we expect the fund to double its net-worth in five years.

Opinion Flash | September 2022

Elevated volatility and uncertainty make macroeconomic forecasting difficult, once again lending credence to our investment style, which focuses on asset selection.

Buy when everyone is selling, and sell when everyone else is buying

For this reason we try to isolate ourselves from such distortions that predict high returns in future, but which can cloud the investor’s vision.

EDM Ahorro: A secure investment in a volatile environment undergoing rate normalization

The good news is that government bonds are no longer offering negative returns and are once again making sense as a safe-haven asset.

Letter of the Chairwoman | July 2022

We maintain our strategy of concentrating our investments in these quality businesses that, though they may fluctuate in price, their value remains intact and they serve as a repository of growing value.

EDM Global Equity Impact, a global equity investment vehicle focused on sustainable investment

EDM reaffirms this conviction with the launch of our new fund, the objective of which is sustainable investment. The fund is consistent with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Opinion Flash | May 2022

With regard to energy, transitioning to an economy with a smaller CO2 footprint will take time and money, and will likely require a realistic revision to avoid supply problems.

EDM Spanish Equity: a historic investment opportunity

Confidence has deteriorated somewhat, but both domestic spending and foreign trade continue to be strong.

Opinion Flash | April 2022

The strength of the results presented in late April once again reassures us about long-term investment in an uncertain environment.

EDM Strategy: Ready for the new geopolitical scenario

Our confidence in quality, through selecting the companies in our portfolio from a micro, bottom-up approach, is reaffirmed in crisis situations.