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Opinion Flash | December 2023

October data confirms inflation is easing in both the US and the European Union: welcome news.

The economy: Inflation eases…

  • October data confirms inflation is easing in both the US and the European Union: welcome news.

  • The robust US economy maintains its high growth rate, while in Europe, the Germany recession curtails economic activity (see Table 1).

  • Regardless, 2024 will see moderate growth in a ‘slowdown’ scenario. Debate persists, however, as some observers predict a mild recession in the second half of the year.
  • Fortunately, geopolitical tensions (Middle East, Ukraine) have not caused oil prices to spike, as we have seen in previous conflicts (1973).

Markets: … triggering market euphoria

  • Positive inflation data suggests an end to interest-rate hikes. Cuts, however, are another matter.  

  • This perspective prompted a phenomenal rally on the debt market (rising prices, falling yields), as well as for stock indices and EDM fund valuations (see Table 2).

  • It is worth noting that index increases are highly concentrated around a few quality growth securities: in the US, these have a tech profile (‘Magnificent Seven’), while they are more diversified in Europe (‘Magic Eight’).
  • Credit markets (IG and HY bonds) show no symptoms of quality degradation, though defaults and non-payments are beginning to appear in some segments.
  • High interest rates have led to an unprecedented shift away from unremunerated bank deposits toward Treasury notes/bonds.

Investment policy: Diversification and caution

  • After two or three months of unease about monetary policy, November’s euphoria was more a relief than a sign of an expansionary phase in the world economy.
  • This will not prevent the companies in which EDM invests from registering reasonable earnings-per-share growth in 2024, in accordance with their structural growth profiles. This is the firmest foundation for the coming months.
  • Less predictable is the moment when monetary policy will relax. When it does, valuations (P/E ratios) will contribute favourably to results.
  • We maintain our approach of capitalising on attractive interest rates (4%-5%) and parking available money to make the most of opportunities that, in the current global political context, we believe are likely to materialise (‘known unknowns’).
  • Finally, we consider it reasonable to extend the duration of bond portfolios.  


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Growth? Value? Quality!

Quality is at the center of our investment strategy. Therefore, we focus, among others, on companies with high profitability and predictable profit growth.

Good prospects for our funds

The first semester was positive for the markets. Our funds maintain an optimistic outlook supported by solid strategies.